Kuda lumping also called braid or Jathilan lesson is a traditional Javanese dance show was a group of soldiers on horseback. This dance uses a horse made of woven bamboo and cut in the shape of a horse. This horse matting paint and decorated with colorful cloth. Lumping horse dance is usually only show saber scene, but lumping some of the horses also possessed attractions serve, immunity, and magical powers, like eating glass and attractions immunity against flogging whip. That said, lumping horse dance is
a form of appreciation and support of the commoners against the cavalry of Prince Diponegoro in the face of Dutch colonizers. There is also a version that says, that lumping horse dance depicting the struggle of Raden Patah, assisted by Sunan Kalijaga, against the Dutch colonialists. Another version says that, this dance tells the story of the war training troops led Mataram Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, King of Mataram, to face the Dutch troops. Regardless of the origin and historical value, lumping horse dance reflects the spirit of heroism and military aspects of a cavalry or cavalry. This can be seen from rhythmic movements, dynamic, and aggressive, with a wave of woven bamboo, imitating the movements like a horse in the middle of the war. Often in lumping horse dance, also displays showing the sights smells magical supernatural powers, such as the attraction to chew glass, cutting
his arms with machetes, set fire to himself, walking on broken glass, and others. Perhaps, this reflects the attraction of the supernatural power developed in the ancient kingdom of Java environments, and is a non-military aspects that are used to fight the Dutch troops.