Grebeg history can not be released to the history of Wali Sanga. One method of dissemination of Islamic religion at that time was a cultural approach. This method is used because at that time developing States culture and the arts well. Through this method, Islam spread by injecting a variety of Islamic teachings with assimilation and acculturation. one of the most influential mayor at the time of Sunan Kalijaga. Wali Islam is spread by collecting societies and gamelan sounds placed in the mosque yard. After the public flocked to watch, Sunan Kalijaga preach to express the virtue of Islamic religious teachings. This is where the term then sekaten. Sekaten derived from the Arabic Syahadatain containing two meanings of the sentence. First, bear witness that there is no God who must be worshiped
except Allah. Second, testified that the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God. Because of hard to say, eventually it became sekaten. Tradition of organizing the celebration sekaten then continued in the first period of the Mataram Kingdom under the rule of Panembahan Senopati. And now sekaten become a tradition in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta Kasunanan. It is in accordance with one of the obligations of a Sultan Panata Sayidin Gama, namely the duty of religious leaders to spread the religion islam.Gamelan that sounded to attract attention, in celebration sekaten in Yogyakarta there are two devices, namely Kanjeng Gunturmadu and Kangjeng Kiai Kiai Nogowilogo. Two devices are in the orchestra mosque yard Gede Yogyakarta Kingdom. Both the gamelan was drawn back to the palace when the night before the ceremony begins Grebeg the next day.
King-people communication (Manunggaling Kawulo-Gusti) The procession of mountains or seizure, known as Grebeg begins with the procession of soldiers surrounded the palace of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Only then issued for the mountains brought to Cede Mosque located in north plaza. Procession procession was preceded by a Bugis warrior who then followed the carpenter's courtiers regents, and the new Kagungan Dalem Pareden (mound) which consists of six mountains. Sixth mountains covered mountains lanang 2 fruit, 1 mountain wadon, gepak mound 1, 1 mountain land, and pawuhan mountains 1. All the mountains were filled with agricultural products like beans and corn. In the procession procession was one of the mountains was brought to the Paku lanang Alamans and then taken to the field Sewandanan for grabs as well. When taken to Paku Alaman, was escorted mountains lanang five elephants. Mound or ceremonial musical Grebeg signifies a symbol of cultural communication between the king and his subjects. That the king could be very close and watch his people (his kawulo). This is indicated by the king to give a number of agricultural products to people. Actually, in the tradition of this celebration sekaten not only mountains and udhik-udhik laden with gifts. But came the ndok brother (eggs dyed red) and chew of betel. Red egg is
believed to be repellent reinforcements, whereas if chewed right chew of betel as gamelan sounds, believed to be able to make young people. Grebeg the Sultan's Palace was conducted over 1 year of Java into three namely: Grebeg Mulud on 12 Mulud coincide with the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad Birthday, Grebeg Syawal which was held on 1 month of Ramadhan as an expression of public thanks to God, to have successfully completed during the fasting a full month of the Holy month of Ramadan, and the Great Grebeg held on 10 months of, relating to warning Hari Raya Qurban - Idhul Adha.